Welcome to Year 5! - Croeso i Blwyddyn 5!
Staff + Contact details
Mrs Shepperd Teacher 5R ShepperdC@Hwbcymru.net
Mr Rhodes Teacher 5L Rhodeso1@Hwbcymru.net
Mrs Whyman Teaching Assistant
Miss Hollands Teaching Assistant
Croseo i Year 5! -
Please see the Snapshots below for an overview of our learning journey.
This half term PE will be held on Thursday and Friday. Please can the children come to school dressed in their PE kit on both days. PE kit consists of tracksuit bottoms/shorts/ leggings, a t-shirt (preferably the colour of their house), a hoodie if the weather requires it and trainers.
Homework projects will be communicated throughout the Year. We have a homework grid that is ongoing below.
Google Classroom
Please regularly check the Google Classroom for more information about what we are learning. There are many links to games, videos and extra practise of the skills we are working on.