Welcome back Year 5! - Croeso nôl blwyddyn 5!
Staff + Contact details
Mrs Shepperd Teacher 5R ShepperdC@Hwbcymru.net
Mr Rhodes Teacher 5L Rhodeso1@Hwbcymru.net
Mrs Whyman Teaching Assistant
Miss Hollands Teaching Assistant
Croseo i Year 5! -
Please see the Autumn Term Snapshot below for an overview of our learning journey.
This half term PE will be held on a Thursday and Friday. Please can the children come to school dressed in their PE kit on Thursday and Friday. PE kit consists of tracksuit bottoms/shorts/ leggings, a t-shirt (preferably the colour of their house), a hoodie if the weather requires it and trainers.
All homework tasks will be posted on Google Classroom and an email with the details will be sent.