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Year 2

Croeso i Blwyddyn 2. 


Summer Term 2024


Our new topic is...

The Great Outdoors

This topic will begin with a trip to Porthkerry Country Park.

During this topic we will be heading outside to learn about the great outdoors. Learning outdoors is so important to develop self-confidence, independence and self-esteem.

We will be discovering what makes mini beasts so fascinating and taking care of the wonderful plants and flowers in our garden. We will be expert problem solvers taking part in physical and reasoning challenges.

We will be developing our thinking skills by becoming skilled engineers, artists and scientists.


Your Year 2 team this year is...

Miss Jones and Miss Sherrard- Teachers in 2R 

Mrs Flowers- Teacher in 2L

Mrs Jackson - Teaching Assistant

Miss Lawrence - Teaching Assistant


Daily Routine

We will be on our doors to greet you at 8:50 in the morning and from 3:25 in the afternoons. 


Throughout the day, classroom windows and doors will be open to keep the air circulating so make sure your child is dressed appropriately to prevent them from getting cold in class. 


Please send a snack of fruit or vegetables for morning break and a water bottle for in the classroom. 


Please make sure everything that is sent into school is labelled so that we can ensure belongings return to their owners. Thank you. 



P.E is on Wednesday this half term. Children should wear P.E. kit to school every Wednesday



Reading in Year 2

Your child is reading in school each week as well as having phonics sessions.  Every Friday children will bring home a school reading book as well as an additional book that they have chosen to read for pleasure.  Please note that the reading for pleasure book is not chosen at a specific level so it may be tricky or easy but is meant as a book to read together, to enjoy. Please write us a comment in the reading diary about how your child got on with their school reading book. You are welcome to tell us about the reading for pleasure book too, but you don’t have to. Please ensure that your child returns their book bag every Thursday. You may keep the reading for pleasure book for longer than a week, but just let us know if you are doing this and please still return the school reading book weekly, on a Thursday. If you think your reading book bag/ diary is lost, please see a member of the team.


We will also continue to periodically send home decodable and 'tricky words' for your child to read with you.  These should stay at home.  



Snapshots, homework and Year 2 letters will be emailed to you. Copies can be found here and on our Google Classroom. 


Contact Details

We are always happy to help.  Please call the school or email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Our email addresses are:

Mrs Flowers-


Miss Sherrard-



Please look at our Twitter (X) page for videos and photographs of our learning and adventures together. Follow us @year2tps. Remember you can tweet us too. Send us your pictures of your learning at home. We love seeing what you do!


Google Classroom

Resources to help at home and copies of information sent home can be found on our Google Classroom. If you would rather, you can share photographs of home learning there. 

Big Maths for Parents
