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Year 1

Croeso i Blwyddyn 1!

Welcome to Year 1 2024-2025


Welcome to Autumn 1!

We are heroes!

We will be learning about how we are super, our feelings, emotions and what makes us great. We will be comparing the work of the superheroes we might see in books or on the TV and the real life superheroes who keep us safe every day (e.g. our families, the emergency services etc.)


We will send information, newsletters and reminders out via email and Google Classroom.

We will be using our Google Classroom to share photographs and achievements with you this year. 

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at the following email addresses (Mrs. Dennes 1L) (Mrs Moore 1R)


The Year 1 team for this year is: 

1L: Mrs. Dennes, 1R: Mrs Moore, 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Baker, Mrs Collins, Mrs Griffiths

PPA (Thursday Afternoon) Mrs. Pandolfi (Italian) Mrs. Brown and Miss Lawrence, cooking, bushcraft, art and music.


Daily Routine

Throughout the day we will be providing a wide range of learning opportunities along with plenty of time to play and learn outdoors. We have our own outdoor sheltered area, a garden area and a mud kitchen that we use every day. Please can we ask that you don't let your children play in these areas before or after school as we spend a lot of time preparing these areas for the children to use during school time. 


  • Our start time is 8:55 (but doors will be open from 8.50) We close the doors to start teaching at 9am. If you arrive later than this please walk around to the office, where the staff will welcome you and bring your child to class.  
  • Our finish time is 3:30 (but doors will be open from 3.25)
  • We have lunch between 12.00 and 1.00pm



P.E will be on a  Monday and a Thursday this half term. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their P.E KIT on these days. P.E kits should include trainers (velcro please, if possible) house colour tee-shirts, joggers and a hoodie for cooler days. Please tie up long hair and cover or remove ear rings. 



Your child has the chance to change their book as often as they need. The day the children bring their book bag and finished book back to school, we will replace it with a new one to go home. This will either be the boo the child has read at school (their reading book) or a book of their choice that is of the same reading level. 


We will also continue to periodically send home decodable and 'tricky words' for your child to read with you.  These should stay at home.  We will put some links and ideas for you to make reading at home more enjoyable for both you and your child onto Google Classroom. 



Homework will be set in the form of a grid. This will include different types of activity based on our topic. Please choose an activity each week and feel free to add videos or photos to the dated folders on our google classroom.


Trips and letters home

 We will email all letters we send, using the email address the office hold for you. Please make sure these details are kept up to date please. All trip information, permission and payment is sent through Parent Pay. We are unable to take cash.


Contact Details

If you need any help we are more than happy to answer your questions. Please email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. It is not always possible to speak to you during teaching time. 

  • 1L : Mrs Dennes -
  • 1R: Mrs Moore -


Other Information

Please only give your child water to drink in class. We encourage the children to drink as much as we can and they have access to a fresh drinking water tap, where they can refill their bottles.


We will also offer your child a drink of cold milk during the afternoon.  (We have allergy and dietary information passed to us by the school office) 


Morning snack should be fruit or vegetables please. We also ask that grapes are cut in half to limit the risk of choking. 


Please label everything that your child brings to school, we will always endeavour to return labelled items but items without a label will be put into lost property. 


Year 1 Snapshots 2024-2025

Homework Grids 2024-2025

Useful websites and apps
