Thornhill Eco Committee
The Eco Committee is voted in each year by children in Year 2-6. They are children who are passionate about improving the world we live in and protecting the environment. Meetings are held regularly with Miss Price and we are proud to have achieved the Platinum Eco Status from Eco Schools Wales.
So far this year, the Eco Committee have made videos telling others how to have an eco Christmas and Halloween, helped to get new bike and scooter shelters for the school, have delivered assemblies for the school about how to recycle our waste, have made posters for the school about what goes in each bin and have been to an energy saving day sharing good practice with other schools. We have encouraged parents and grandparents to bring reusable cups to our events. We have also planned to go and plant some trees on local ground to help reduce our carbon footprint!
Keep your eye on twitter for more information about what we do and any ways that you can help.