The Governing Body is responsible for the conduct of the School within the broad framework of the Local Education Authority’s policies. It has an important role to play in providing the forum for the discussion of the issues concerning the School, which come from within the School, from the Local Authority or from the Welsh Assembly Government. Our Governors are committed to working with both the Local Authority and WAG to ensure the best learning outcomes for all pupils at Thornhill Primary. This will be achieved by using the Schools' Effectiveness Framework in Wales. The Governing Body also has a significant part to play in developing, with the Headteacher and staff, the aims and objectives of the School and its community, and generally supporting the School’s endeavours.
Once a year, the Governing Body will send a formal written report to Parents and this is followed two weeks later by the Governors’ Annual meeting with Parents. A copy of this year's report can be found on the Newsletters' section of this website.
Governing Body, June 2023
Dr S Burgess (Chair) Community Governor
Mr S O'Brien (Vice-chair) LA Governor
Mr A Rayer Community Governor
Mr T Mortlock Parent Governor
Mrs L Farrell Parent Governor
Mrs C Holcombe Teaching Staff Governor
Miss C Price Teaching Staff Governor
Mrs J Brown Non-teacher Staff Governor
Mr P Tucker Head Teacher
Mr M Imperato LA Governor
Vacancy LA Governor
Vacancy Community Governor
Mrs H Price LA Governor
Mr N Francis Parent Governor
Mr W Scott Parent Governor
Mrs K Morse Parent Governor
Vacancy Community Governor
Clerk to Governors: Mrs C Charles c/o Thornhill Primary School, Heol Hir, Thornhill, Cardiff. CF14 9LA